MJ-5 #123 | G-BUGC |
Construction: 2000 |
Moteur / Engine : Lycoming O-320-D 160 cv / hp - Voltige / Aerobatic | |
PAS DE PHOTO Ce Sirocco a été construit par M. Blood qui le termine en 2000. Il est équipé d'un moteur Lycoming O-320-D de 160 cv et d'un train rentrant. Le 26 février 2001, l'avion est détruit lors d'un essai en vol sur le terrain de Swanton Morley dans le Norfolk. Une rafale fait sortir l'avion de la piste à l'atterrissage. Le pilote/constructeur, pilote de ligne avec plus de 10.000 heures de vol et 5 sur le type s'en sort indemne. Qui aurait une photo de cet appareil ?
"After completing the airborne undercarriage checks the pilot returned to the airfield. He flew a left hand circuit for Runway 27 and completed the final turn at 80 mph with the gear down and half flap selected. The pilot reported that the windsock indicated that the surface wind was southerly at 10 to15kt. This led him to believe that he would encounter turbulence on the approach below 300 feet, and he therefore increased power to maintain an approach speed of 75 mph. The pilot reported that, whilst on short finals, a gust of wind caused the aircraft to roll to the right. Despite the application of full left lateral control and an increase in power the pilot was unable to prevent the right wing tip striking the ground. The aircraft then cart-wheeled and came to rest inverted. The pilot selected the magnetos, master electric switch and fuel to 'OFF' and released his lap and shoulder harness. However, he was unable to vacate the aircraft until the airfield staff arrived and lifted the aircraft, this allowed him the space to crawl out." Who could send us a picture?
Situation :
France, ->2001 | |
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