..et voici le Sirocco optimisé pour la voltige ! Un prototype a été construit par Rémi Blondaux. - Aile du MJ7 Gnatsum, P51 Mustang 2/3, sans volets et sans dièdre. - Dérive moins haute, - Train à lame, - Pilotage de la place arrière. Ce prototype n'a pas eu de successeur, la liasse est disponible auprès du Comité Marcel Jurca. . |
...here comes aerobatic-optimized Sirocco!
A unique prototype has been build Rémi Blondaux.
The MJ-55 Biso is an aerobatic evolution of the Sirocco with these evolution: - Wing of the MJ-7 Gnatsum, P51 Mustang 2/3, without flaps and without diedra, - Smaller tail, -Aluminium blade landing gear,
- Pilot from the rear seat.
Plans are available from the Marcel Jurca Committee.
No kit available for Jurca plans. |
Le Biso n°1 a été construit par Rémi Blondaux et reçoit son CNRA en mai 1998. Commencé en février 1989, il est alors équipé d'un moteur Lycoming de 180 cv et d'un train fixe à lame. 12 mars 2000 !
Nous rappelons que les constructeur de Jurca peuvent se rendre disponibles pour aider les blanc-becs, heu... "jeunes constructeurs". Le CMJ, et ce site en particulier, ont été mis en place pour vous aider à rencontrer des personnes compétentes. Il en va aussi de votre sécurité.
Then came the date that no one would forget: March 12, 2000. At the very start of an aerobatic session over Valence airfield, the aircraft lost the skin of its left wing. At the time of the incident, the aircraft had logged 58 flight hours, including 14 hours of aerobatics. The official investigation by the Bureau Enquête Analyse (BEA) concluded that the cause was a major construction defect, specifically a bonding failure during the wing skin installation. The accident report (in French only) highlighted a critical point: “Amateur aircraft construction relies heavily on the sharing of knowledge and experience. A builder working alone is at greater risk of making serious errors, particularly when modifying the designer’s original plans. The official inspections carried out by the authorities cannot, on their own, guarantee the quality of the build.” This tragic event serves as a reminder that Jurca builders are always willing to assist new and inexperienced homebuilders. After all, that’s exactly why the CMJ (Club Marcel Jurca) and this very website were created — to help young builders connect with experienced mentors. Because at the end of the day, your safety depends on it. |
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MJ-55 Biso
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