Le MJ-77 Gnatsum (anagramme de Mustang) est une réplique à l'échelle 3/4 du célèbre chasseur de la seconde guerre mondiale dans sa version P51A.
Construit par James Robert MINCE, il fait son premier vol en 1996 et reçoit son Certificat de navigabilité le 2 décembre 1997. Il est biplace en tandem, la place arrière n'ayant pas de commandes de vol. Il a fallu 7500 heures de travail pour le construire.
Il est acheté par le Dr Kent G. Carlomagno en 1999 (?).
Le 22 janvier 2000, une perte de puissance pour raison inconnue force l'appareil à se poser hors aérodrome. La pilote est juste blessé.
L'avion est reconstruit et revole en 2002 et, en 2008, son propriétaire en fait don au musée de l'Aviation d'Oakland, Californie. Une vidéo datant de 2012 le montre en exposition:
 P51-A "Magnificent Obsession II"
P51-A Replica History. The P-51A, "Magnificent Obsession II", is owned by Kent Carlomagno and based at Petaluma airport in Petaluma, CA. This 1972 Marcel Jurca French design hybrid is a scaled down ¾ scale model of the early P-51A with a (3) blade design propeller aircraft with over 62 hours on it and lots of TLC.
In 2008, the owner has given the plane to the Aviation Museum of Oakland, California.
Wings/Fuselage/Tail: - Spruce spar/mahogany covering on the wing and horizontal stabalizer/elevator, ailerons and flaps painted with Dupont Imeron ( +11 -9g wing load test ) - Steel tubular inner frame - Aluminum skin, tail and ribs - Aluminum covering of fuselage and empenage - Fiberglass wing, & elevator fairing - Beechcraft laminar flow naca wing/horizontal surface airfoils - Lockable, steerable tailwheel - Has a wingspan of 27 feet and a length of 22 ½ feet.
Engine: - The engine was built by Ryan Falconer in 1971 - ( built the thunder Mustang engine in 1997) - Sounds like a tuned down version of the Merlin V-12 ! - Has a V-8 , liquid cooled Ford 460 c.i. engine, 430-450 hp balanced blue-printed - Has a RV Cam designed for more torque at lower rpm - Bendix ( fuel-injection) - MSD, electronic ignition, dual condenser/coils/computers - hi-performance pistons and valves - A 4-6 exhaust with collector tube - The engine sits backwards, mounts to custom bell housing with geschweinder 2.4:1 Reduction unit: weight is 114 lbs., Gear/chain/gear set-up ( never had a failure reported – used in many agcat aircraft) - Lubrication with 12 qt. Racing aluminum wet sump - Fuel system 25 –32 lbs/pressure. - Electric dukes pump ( starting take off and emergency ) - Regular mechanical 40946 aircraft hi-pressure pump with custom arm - 3 tanks: 2 main (31 gals. ), 1 rear ( 11 gals. ) – 40 gals. Usable fuel
Landing gear: - Javelin / navion type with prestolite hydrolic pump for activation - Tail wheel is a custom design scott dual fork and wheel on a single shaft with pin to lock wheel and custom shimmey dampener.
Propeller: - Weight 142 lbs - Hartzel (3) blade design - Metroliner blades with 101" diameter hydromatic # t10282 - Externally activated hub # hcb3t-4, constant speed hub, non-reversable
Ignition: - Batteries: starting, crystal 1300 amp, back up 300 amp wetcell - Msd distributor is parallel with dual coils
Oil Cooling: - Cessna p-210/ i0-540-i0 720 oil cooler with air directed below the propeller ( liken to the intake for a merlin updraft carburetor
Liquid Cooling: - 3.5 gallon total mix 50% antifreeze 50% H20 ducted through a tunnel ram belly scoop - Uses Nascar heavy duty towing aluninium radiator below and behind the pilot at a 30 angle to maximize the cooling area. Uses ground adjustable after cooler door like the full scale a model
Brakes: - Bendix dual action / dual puck King air type - Origional P-51 adjustable brake pedals
Miscellaneous: - 2.6 hrs at cruise 22" – 3.6k rpm - 14–16 gals. / hr. Fuel burn – cruise 180 kts. - Top speed 275 kts - Rate of climb 2.5k feet /min. Initial - Empty weight 2,850 - Gross weight 3,400
Time to Build: 7,500+ man hours
2002 changes: Engine lightened 75+ lbs. Completely rebuilt and dynotuned by Thunder Mustang Builder Ryan Falconeer. This includes the following: - New Edelbrock Victor series aluminum heads - 62 lbs. - Stewart aluminum water pump and pulley spindle - 10 lbs. - Tilton lightweight hi-torque 3 hp starter - 10 - 12 lbs. - 8 probe EGT. Installed to insure proper engine performance, temperature, and mixture.
Airframe changes include: - Redesigned intake scoop with decreased surface area and less vertical profile resulting in improved aerodynamics. - Increase power of retraction system by installation of increased diameter, dual action hydraulic cylinders.
Miscellaneous changes: - Transponder with mode C encoder installed to static system. - Three axis trim system
