This site is entirely dedicated to discovering Marcel Jurca's masterpieces, "aircraft designer for builder-pilots' pleasure".
Aviation fans will find information about making the dream come true: do it yourself a single seater "Tempete" or a full scale Spitfire replica, only from plans. To know more about Marcel Jurca and his designs, please have a look at the new 2020 catalog in English, available from the Download section of the site.
Current Jurca builders will keep in touch with the directory (ask for your access code).
Finally, Jurca's pilots might share their experiment, pictures and good moments.
Thanks for visiting us!
Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/avionsmarceljurca/
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We are pleased to share some visuals representing Marcel Jurca's aircraft and based on the "3 views" representations from the drawings.
They are available from the Download area allowing you to make T-shirts, caps, mugs, bags...
Send us pictures of your creations!
The Jurca aircraft logos have been restored and are available to the manufacturers and owners if needed. Go to the contact section to make a request.
Note: Even though the prototype of the MJ-14 Fourtouna is under construction, it will remain a unique model and its drawings set is not distributed.
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20 years after his pass in October 2001, Marcel Jurca would be immensely proud to see his Sperocco MJ51C, built by Lowell Manary, awarded the highest distinction that a homebuilt aircraft can receive at Oshkosh: “Grand Champion plansbuild Gold Lindy” (photo EAA).
Congratulations and thank you Lowell for this magnificent machine which honors the Jurca aircraft community.
Find an overview of its history in this article :
To remember the maiden flight:
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It is 19 years ago today that Marcel Jurca passed away. He would be happy to see his planes continue to enchant a new generation of pilots.
Those who build them with passion and those who fly them with joy. Isn't it Mathilde? 😎
(Re)discover this magnificent human adventure on www.marcel-jurca.com through the website and the downloadable catalog.
Blue sky Marcel !

I am pleased to share with you the second edition of the Jurca aircraft catalogue, including an English version for the first time.
Hope that these 118 pages will motivate you to start a new challenge, to fly with your own wings in the spirit of the JAF.
Find these documents on the following link:
The file is 90 MB in PDF, so please be patient.
Take care of yourself. Enjoy your reading!
Here is already 18 years that Marcel Jurca left us and the fervor of the enthusiasts of his planes does not fade away! The best evidence is the good health of the annual meeting of the Jurca Air Force, the planes that change hands and continue to give pleasure to their pilots, some are beautifully restored and restart for several decades of flying, new projects are put in flying or are under construction over the entire range, from Tempête to Spitfire. Finally, the facebook page now has more than 700 subscribers with amazing responsiveness. All this works with great friendships, of those that the aviation is able to ignite, whatever the distance. Two news to celebrate Marcel's aeronautical and technical legacy:
Warm aero-regards and jaffreusement! |